It seems just a few days since we received the shocking news from Murray Eade, Kyle’s father, of his accident while training for this week’s 50th Moomba Masters on the Jump Ramp. Since then, almost SIX THOUSAND fans have sent goodwill messages to Kiwi on the CaringBridge site and this just shows how much he is respected and admired around the World.
We have tonight received a report actualy written by Kiwi himself – and as you read the details below, you will see that he is already well on the road to recovery, even if it may be a long road.
All in our World Cup team wish Kyle continuing steady progress and we will all certainly be thinking of him at the 50th Moomba Masters in Melbourne next weekend.
Hello everyone,
It has been just over 2 weeks since the jump crash that has caused such a dramatic change in my life and my family’s life.
I know it has been over a week since the last update on my condition and I apologize for not getting word out sooner but I really wanted to type this myself. I have recently been set up on my computer and got online but navigating around with a track ball by my side has been quite a challenge and typing by pointing and clicking on an on-screen keyboard is painfully slow!
After 8 days at Christchurch hospital in the ICU and the Trauma ward I was moved last Friday to the Burwood Spinal Unit. The care here has been unbelievable and I have been very comfortable. Physiotherapists come by at least twice a day to stretch and move my arms and legs through various ranges of movement.
Progress is definitely slow but I have been told to be patient … it really is just a waiting game right now. I am on my back looking at the ceiling for a total of 6-8 weeks to allow time for the fractured vertebrae to heal and the swelling and trauma to my neck and spinal chord to subside. There are numerous positives already that I am pinning my hopes to … I have sensation everywhere although very altered in places and strength and mobility is returning to my arms and shoulders.
In an earlier update there was mention of a flicker in my toes and while this was true, I was actually really just inducing a spasm in my legs which the doctors weren’t as excited about as I was. However, I had a good day yesterday when I definitely got a controlled contraction in my upper right leg several times with the head doctor witnessing. It was the happiest I have seen the doctor for awhile and he mentioned this was a very positive sign. There were also flickers felt in my left hamstring and calf although nowhere near as prominent as my right leg. Who knows exactly what this means for my recovery but I cling to every piece of good news and use it to fuel my determination to make more progress each and every day no matter how small.
I have had my ups and downs but my main source of strength keeping my chin up has been my wife, Karyn, and my 2 sons who have been by my side for the past 2 weeks along with my parents, my brother and his family, and my mother-in-law, Pat.
Additionally I have been overwhelmed by the level of support I have received from my friends worldwide and especially the waterskiing community which seems to be united and behind me through each step of my recovery … it is truly appreciated and makes me feel like I am not fighting this alone. I read each and every message on skifly and caringbridge and try to absorb all of the positive energy that is being sent. I know it is helping.
Although there are so many people that have done so much to help my family and I through the last 2 weeks, I want to say a special thank you to Scot Ellis and Mel Schoendorf, Rhoni Bischoff and Dan Rini for all their efforts…you are such great friends.
I have a tough road ahead but giving up is not an option. I will get better and I will do my best to share my progress with you all. Thank you for caring so much.
Kyle Eade
a.k.a “The Flying Kiwi”