Strong World Cup Podium Branding is vital to all our Hosts and Sponsors
We all know how important well managed branding is to major Corporations. Just take a look at the clean lines and colour of CocaCola, Mercedes, BMW, Apple Mac and others. The management of our own World Cup brand is really no different.
Earlier this month, there was an important World Cup planning meeting in London. There to work out the challenges were Kuno Ritschard and Des Burke-Kennedy of the IWWF World Cup Team – and Ian Birdsall and Will Furze of the MasterCraft Team. For both organisations, strong branding is vital. One of the actions agreed was to take a much closer look at how we brand our World Cup podiums at the various Stops around the world. The initial concept using the very distinctive World Cup Red Side Panels with a centre logo board was agreed as the best of all. From this point on, a major effort will be made to create uniformity from event to event and to help our Hosts and Sponsors to maximise their exposure – between our World Cup Red Panels.
MasterCraft in World Cup action mode !