Many of us know what a challenge it is to run one major international event on a home site. Attempting to run SIX around the World in one season is a bit tougher. Sometimes plans have to be changed – and this now is the case for our 2008 season.
Our official World Cup shirt lists all SIX 2008 Stops - and ONE must now be rearranged. Our good friends in Chandigarh in northern India have just informed us today that they will have to postpone the scheduled Waterski World Cup Stop till 2009. It is hoped that they will confirm a new date by September 30th this year so that the 2009 World Cup Programme can be published as early as possible.

This is a great pity as we know that all in our large World Cup family were greatly looking forward to being involved in a World Cup Stop in India for the first time. The sport is at an early stage of development in India and the performances of our Athletes there would certainly help to raise both the profile and knowledge of Waterskiing.
Let us wish our colleagues in India well with their plans to reschedule the World Cup Stop to 2009 and you will see the full details here as soon as they are confirmed.