Patrice Martin (FRA)
Patrice Martin (FRA), one of the greatest three event Waterskiers of all time and a great supporter of our World Cup Rookie Coaching Programme, has just had a serious accident. Actually he has had TWO freak Waterski accidents within just 24hrs. First Patrice hurt his left arm when his hand went through the handle – yet another such accident which must now be of some concern to our Skiers. On this occasion for Patrice, he was lucky, this was a minor injury which later required medical attention and a plaster cast. It appears that Patrice then decided to proceed and took another bad fall the next day. This time the rope went completely around his right arm and actually snapped his bone. Just imagine the force involved ! He is reported to have suffered what is called a Galleazi fracture. The Surgeon had to wait for 3 days for the swelling to go down before being able to work on the fracture. At this time, it looks like it is going to be a long road to recovery for Patrice Martin. All in our World Cup Team and in our sport wish him a speedy and full recovery.