ONE OF THE BEST WORLD CUP SITES TO DATE DELIVERS EXCITING CONCLUSION TO 2010 SEASON The City of Chuncheon in north east South Korea has reason to feel proud today. As the hosts of the 1st World Leisure Games with 12,600 athletes and 42 Disciplines from 50 countries involved, the first major international Final was […]
DAY OF HECTIC PRACTICE AND GREAT OPENING CEREMONIES FOCUSES ATTENTION ON THE WORLD CUP While thousands of athletes poured in to the World Leisure Games Village here on site in Chuncheon, Korea, our Riders and Skiers had a very busy day of Practice on the water. A few had flight delay problems but most were […]
FINAL PREPARATIONS COMPLETED AS SKIERS AND RIDERS ARRIVE FROM AROUND THE WORLD The timing of this 30th World Cup Stop is a little unusual as it will take place on Sunday and Monday, with Official Practice on Saturday, tomorrow. The immediate impression is one of excellence. When Nigel Talamo, the official World Cup Homologator arrived, […]
IT’S A CLEAN SWEEP FOR WORLD CUP ATHLETES ON EVE OF KOREA WORLD CUP STOP THIS COMING WEEKEND Athletes from 20 Countries competed at the Europe Africa Waterski Championships (EA) last weekend at Thorpe Park in London, England. Organised by British Waterski & Wakeboard it is egarded as one of the toughest events of all […]
WORLD CUP SKIERS AND RIDERS FROM 17 COUNTRIES TO JOIN ATHLETES FROM ANOTHER 33 COUNTRIES IN KOREA AT THE END OF AUGUST It’s World Cup time again ! The Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup series will celebrate the staging of its 30th Stop in the picturesque 1,000 year-old City of ChunCheon. This is located in […]
NEXT WORLD CUP STOP ONE OF THE MAJOR EVENTS IN THE FIRST WORLD LEISURE GAMES The Waterski and Wakeboard World Cup series will celebrate the staging of its 30th Stop in the picturesque 1,000 year-old City of ChunCheon. This is located in the north east corner of South Korea and takes place on August 29th […]