This is that time of the year when long-haul flights and dawn-till-dusk discussions come to a head as the World Cup Calendar negotiations again near conclusion. With 30 successful World Cup Stops already completed, the calendar for 2011 is almost ready for release.
Azemi Jusoh, Kuno Ritschard, Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Des Burke-Kennedy, Datu Ik Pahon
Last weekend, a special World Cup presentation was made to senior City and Government officials in Kuching City in Sarawak, Borneo, by IWWF President Kuno Ritschard, World Cup Marketing & Media Chairman Des Burke-Kennedy and Hanifah Yoong, Event Director Malaysia of the IWWF. If successful, a Sarawak World Cup Stop would be staged in Kuching in September. Following detailed discussions at the Ministry of Tourism and Heritage headquarters with YB Datuk Haji Talib Zulpilip, Chairman Sarawak Economic Development Corporation, Datu Ik Pahon Anak Joyik, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Tourism and Heritage, and their colleagues, a major Press Conference was then held at the Riverside Majestic Hotel in Kuching. Here it was announced that a successful agreement was reached to stage a Wakeboard World Cup Stop on the proposed date in September. This was attended by over 30 members of the TV and Press Corps. Today’s Sarawak Newspapers carry all the major details and so a big welcome is anticipated for our World Cup athletes when they arrive in town in eight months time !
Perfect venue for the Sarawak World Cup Stop
The venue for this World Cup Stop will be on the river in the middle of Kuching City. This is a spectacular site where most of the permanent infrastructure is already in place to stage such an event. Riverside walkways are ideal for spectators and even the starting docks are in place. Restaurants, shops and Hotels are also right on site and this will make the management of the Stop all the easier for those involved.
Spectators to have great viewing areas in Kuching
Judging by the very warm reception given to our World Cup Team this past weekend, this promises to be a great event in September. The natural facilities available make it perfect for this level of major international competition and with athletes from at least 14 countries expected to compete, the international spotlight will be on Kuching in September. It was also agreed to invite the Stars of Florida Waterski Show Team and they will certainly add to the glamour of the weekend. A special thanks are due to our hosts YB Datuk Haji Talib Zulpilip and Datu Ik Pahon Anak Joyik this weekend for their kind hospitality and we greatly look forward to returning for the big event later this year.