The Preliminary Waterski World Ranking Tables have just been released by Bob Corson, IWWF Tournament Council Chairman. These cover the period from November 2008 to October 2009. If there are any omissions or errors, the athletes now have an opportunity to contact Bob Corson. All the details are available at http://www.iwwfed.com
Congratulations to our World Cup Stars – many of whom are now holding the Number One position on these World Ranking Tables. This is an enormous achievement. The level of competition has never been tougher and achieving that top Ranking position is about as good as its gets for any athlete.
If you want to see these great athletes in action, watch out for our 2010 World Cup Calendar which will be announced soon. You can be sure that they will shortly turn their attention to climbing to the top of a World Cup Podium somewhere around the World in this coming season.
Here are the NUMBER ONES on the just released World Ranking Tables :
SLALOM No.1 - Chris Parrish USA
SLALOM No.1 - Regina Jacquess USA
SHORTBOARD No.1 - Nicolas LeForestier FRA
SHORTBOARD No.1 - Natalia Berdnikova BLR
JUMP No.1 - Freddy Krueger USA
JUMP No.1 - June Fladborg DEN